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Do you need an objective look at your organization? Are you looking for a leader or mentor who will support your team in developing and implementing a new strategy, carrying out change processes or implementing important projects? Do you want to ensure the company’s cohesion and effectiveness of operations at the strategic and operational level? Should the organization be equipped with additional competence and know-how?

You can accomplish these and many other tasks by using the support of the Shadow Manager – the L&P expert who helps managers in the organization, as well as management boards, supervisory boards and shareholders.

Shadow Manager, “staying in the shadow” himself and keeping a look from the outside, supports and monitors the implementation of goals, engaging, motivating, inspiring and training others.  

We use the proprietary tool L&P AGILE SHADOW MANAGEMENT that enables the creation of outstanding business values through cooperation tailored to the organization’s goals and engaging motivated and properly empowered people to cooperate, ensuring agile and effective adaptation to the Clients’ needs.

Shadow Manager dedicated by L&P can be a partner for managers managing both projects, programs or functional areas, as well as entire organizations, and for members of supervisory boards and shareholders.


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  • Thanks to objectivity and location outside the company’s dependencies, Shadow Manager can work effectively and focus solely on the task of achieving the set goals at the scheduled time.
  • The work of Shadow Manager brings an additional benefit in the form of development of competence of managers with whom he cooperates in the organization. Assistance in the tasks carried out by them is, in fact, strategic and structured in nature.
  • Due to “staying in the shadow”, Shadow Manager can see more than the employees. His partner dialogue with managers and owners, which he supports, generates more effective solutions and more effective operation.

When is Shadow Manager of L&P needed in your company?


Our Shadow Managers flexibly adapt to the Client’s needs and can perform many functions in his organization at three different levels of management:

At the strategic level:

  • being a sparring partner and advisor to a project, program or portfolio committee, board or supervisory board or shareholders,
  • managing a program or portfolio, risk, part or entire organization,
  • ensuring proper understanding and implementation of the vision and business strategy,
  • ensuring consistency of solutions generated by the project, program, portfolio or functional area with technical standards in the organization,

At the operational level:

  • Entering, if necessary, the role of a manager directing the operational activities of the project or the functional area of the organization directly,

Kompas na sukces


At the supporting level:

  • as a strategic or operational advisor,
  • as a business mentor,
  • as a coach in the field of management and applied tools and methodologies,
  • as a facilitator of managerial workshops,
  • as a trainer in the area of competence development.

What distinguishes Shadow Managers of L&P?

Each of our Shadow Managers is qualified to accomplish the tasks entrusted to them on time and achieve results that often exceed the Client’s expectations.

The Shadow Manager delegated to the Client’s company presents the following at the expert level:

  • managerial skills,
  • business experience,
  • knowledge of the industry in which the organization operates,
  • knowledge of functional areas manager by managers or owners to whom he provides support,
  • knowledge of best practices, methodologies and tools used in change management, projects and programs, which he supports,
  • interim management, mentoring, coaching, facilitating and training competence,
  • using, depending on individual needs, the potential of the whole L&P organization in activities for the benefit of the Client.

Individual functions that make up the Shadow Management services of L&P, depending on the Client’s expectations, can be implemented comprehensively or separately. They can be performed by one Shadow Manager, or he can use the support of additional experts specializing in particular support services, e.g. trainers, coaches, mentors, facilitators and consultants.



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In each case, our services of Shadow Management are focused on providing Customers with measurable, agreed upon benefits, and excellent logistics and legal management make it possible to entrust us with even the most complex challenges.

schody z drewnianych klocków

The Shadow Management services we provide most often concern the functions of:

  • support and supervision of the work of L&P managers and restructuring advisors working with the Customer’s organization,
  • sparring partner for CEO or owners,
  • managing portfolios and programs,
  • support for managers in the Client’s organization through:
    • consulting projects,
    • mentoring,
    • coaching, 
    • facilitation of strategic workshops,
    • training programs created individually by out experts based on the defined challenges corresponding to the specific business needs of clients, the element of which is the effective implementation and practical verification by the Shadow Manager of the competence transferred to the organization.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with our previous SUCCESSES in the field of Shadow Management and with NEWS about their implementation.

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Leave us your details using the quick contact form – we will contact you. You can also use the standard forms of communication. We are waiting for your call.

If you want to ask a question using the contact form, click on the button below. You will be redirected to the Contact website where you can fill in several necessary fields. It will take about 15 seconds.



ul. Puławska 77/ U.5,
02-585 Warszawa, Poland.

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+48 22 404 90 11
+48 601 427 130

The company is registered by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw, 14th Economic Department:
NCR 0000551982,
NIP: 1231296596, 
REGON: 361236852, 
share capital PLN 366.000

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